Practical Theosophy: Paramartha Yoga
Below, you will find an audio recording and a transcript of this talk given by Ananda on 3 April 1999. To listen to the talk, click on the arrow in the sound bar below. Please note that there is a gap in the recording at around 53 minutes, when the original tape was turned over. Paramartha Yoga
1. What creates Paramartha Yoga, what makes its foundation stone, is the meditation system and the healing system. The philosophy behind Paramartha Yoga has been given by me in talks throughout the years, but I have not yet written the philosophy down because time is not ready for that. 2. The meditation system and the healing system contain the philosophy. The philosophy is Paramartha Yoga, meaning the ultimate truth. The yoga of ultimate truth contains the knowledge about how to reach the Heart of Maitreya and how to get into touch with the inner self more quickly than ever before, which I showed you could be done quite rapidly and very perfectly at the meditation this afternoon. 3. You don’t have to wait for lives and lives to get into touch with your Soul. The energies are such on Earth now that it can be done reasonably quickly, where in the past it would take lives upon lives for new aspirants and older aspirants to get into touch [with their Soul]. 4. Let us look first at the meditation system because that’s what came first many years ago. It has been written throughout a number of years, and then the healing system came, and then the philosophy behind Paramartha Yoga became known to me and therefore I can start to talk about it. Yoga Forms 5. There are many, many yoga forms. There are so many yoga forms; and even though the Lord DK* says that spiritual people shouldn’t do Hatha Yoga, which was the yoga of Atlantis, it is obvious that many people need it. We cannot look upon a yoga form or system as belonging to something that happened many, many thousands of years ago, because Hatha Yoga is known for its beneficial effects on the physical etheric body. And then many other yoga forms have appeared utilizing different meditation systems in order to create certain effects in people. 6. Agni Yoga, the yoga last created, was created through Helena Roerich, a disciple of the Lord Morya, who worked for the Lord Maitreya. The Agni Yoga system was given out not so much as a physical yoga form, but more as teachings to touch upon mind and heart in a specific way. Agni Yoga being the yoga of fire of the Soul made me understand that the next yoga form is a yoga form of Spirit – and that is why I call it the Paramartha Yoga system. 7. So, in all the yoga forms you create a connection and a contact to the physical plane, the etheric plane; in Bakti Yoga, a connection to the astral body - the heart, but very much the astral body. And there are a number of yogas. Raja Yoga is one of the strong yoga forms for the mental body development, and then Agni Yoga came for the Soul. And now we have Paramartha Yoga for Spirit. So it’s like this, the circle has completed itself. There will of course be other yoga forms appearing, I’m sure, also connecting a certain group of humanity who wish so, connecting them with Sprit. 8. Why I like the ultimate truth yoga is that it contains all the others. It is the form that brings you to the Heart of Maitreya, the Master for all people, for all angels. He is all. 9.When you work with the Lord Maitreya, you will notice that He touches everybody, and His teachings touch everybody, every Soul and Spirit on this Earth. And through getting into that Heart, truth, the ultimate truth of what we are as human beings and Souls, what the solar system is like, what the Universe is like, namely, what you can learn from Theosophy, this is part of the Paramartha Yoga. As these books [about the ultimate truth, what the solar system is like, and so forth] have already been written, they cannot sort of continue to be written because the knowledge has been given out. Then that knowledge has to be studied in the Theosophical literature. And if one wishes to learn about, more about angels and planes, and the creation of the Solar system and of the Earth, then you study Alice Bailey’s books. And many people are condensing the Alice Bailey books so that they are easier to read and understand. And those books create the foundation stone behind Paramartha Yoga. 10. So many people may think, oh, she [Ananda] hasn’t written a sentence really. She hasn’t written any important book. But that‘s because we had to learn the practical Theosophy first. I had to learn it because in another lifetime before this one, I was a theoretical Theosophist. Even if I was into practical Theosophy on one level, I wasn’t into the practical Theosophy as we are now. 11. And so, I had to learn to work through the heart, understanding the vision, the revelation of the new age, and understanding about the Lord Maitreya and what He was about to do, in order to write about it. And the time to write about all this should be in four years from now on, when I can withdraw more from the physical world and do the writing. When you write, you know, you cannot do other things at the same time, because you have to concentrate on the writing.** Meditation Forms 12. So a meditation form is always behind a philosophy. Now the beautiful thing is that all meditation forms create a connection between you and God, between you and Christ or Buddha, an elevated being, an office within the Hierarchy. And it creates - of course, the most important thing, it connects Soul contact. 13. But some meditation systems are slow working, and some are more rapid working. And the meditation system that the Hierarchy gave me in the early years is a meditation system that works rapidly. 14. But people don’t understand it because they think it is too simple for that. They don’t understand that every sentence used in the 17 Steps to Perfection is a mantra sentence that works in a certain way. Because they are not in Sanskrit they don’t look important enough for certain scholars to be interested. But those scholars, if they did this meditation system for five years, they would actually be connected to higher selves, one of them, in a rapid way we have never seen before. 15. And why this meditation system has come at this crucial time in Earth’s history is because we live in a time when people can actually succeed connecting with Soul, connecting with the Hierarchy, connecting with the inner planes, because everything is moving rapidly on Earth. We are very rapidly being transformed and many, many people on Earth will be going through the ascension process over the next hundred years. 16. In order to create this process, in order to start it, the Hierarchy needed certain techniques, old formulas to use, but written in a simple way and having the same effect. And so, you get an effect nearly immediately. You don’t have to wait for ten or twenty years of meditating as we had to in past lives. We have an immediate effect in this meditation system. 17. I have seen other meditation systems, and very many are good, and that is why I do not say this is the only meditation system. No, you have to find one that suits you at the level you are on. The Basic Exercise*** 18. If you can't take a too rapid development, if you are not interested in that, you only use some of it [the meditation system], the Basic Exercise, the first one, for cleansing and purifying the inner bodies. Without the cleansing and purification of the chakras and the inner bodies, your Soul will not dare for you to work with higher energies or connections on the inner levels because you wouldn’t be ready for the effect that these beings and the life on the inner levels would bring you. 19. The first thing that came was inspired by the Lord DK. That was the Basic Exercise, as I said, where you are working with a number of flames, all having a certain effect. We discovered after some years that working with flames was too strong for many people. So I said to people they could use light, or they could use as the lower vibration, colours. And then it suited everyone. 20. I saw, when I came to this country after five years of work in Denmark, that the Basic Exercise was actually having an effect which was not desirable on new beginners or people who had come down with the specific karma of not getting into very high energy work, because they were not ready. Their karma wasn’t ready. So when we started on the colours, everyone could take it. 21. Many meditation systems work with colours. Not with flames, but light and colours. I discovered that colours were astral. And that working with light was actually strong for some because it was Soul light that came through. Working with flames was a mental energy. And some people cannot take mental energy when they start on a meditation system. They have to work on the astral levels first. How We Meditate 22. In our meditation system, in contrast to Raja Yoga, we work as many do when they meditate, with closed eyes. And we do not always meditate in silence. You can use music. What music does is that it attracts the angels and beings on the inner levels. Very often it’s easier to use music; also you are not in danger of sinking down to a very, very deep level of meditation, which may happen if you use certain rhythmic music, and in silence. When you meditate in silence, which you do most places, for many people it’s too much. Dangers in Meditation 23. What many teachers do not instruct to their pupils is there are dangers in meditation. It is not just that you put people to a word or a mantra and then forget about them. They cannot explain to people when something happens within them that they cannot manage to fix themselves. They cannot understand what’s happening to them. See, what I don’t like about many gurus’ teachings of meditation is that their instructors are not knowledgeable enough about the dangers of meditation. 24. And when people have psychic abilities without knowing it, and those psychic abilities come forth, nobody can answer their questions. Nobody can handle their problems. Nobody can handle the condition of the mind. And that is why I like the Basic Exercise so much. Everyone can manage it. And we have within the Fellowship people who can deal with problematic situations that may arise, even to some who have meditated a long time. 25. I don’t understand that so many teachers can just put people to meditation and hope for the best. They do not realise that the mind obviously is a weak instrument in most people, and that the subconsciousness is so strong that when something is opening up and surfacing, many cannot handle it and explain it. 26. Why I like Theosophy so much is that in Theosophy, everything is explained. I have read many books; I have looked through books on different teachings, and they are not coming from the higher Source as Theosophy is, directly from the Masters, and therefore, there are too many mistakes in them. 27. But on Earth, we also have to discern and learn to discriminate what is right and wrong. So many people go through teachings that are very much incorrect, and will one day learn that there are teachings which are more correct. And they will come to these books and those teachings. It is all, as it happens for every person on Earth, a slow learning process, which is, however, enormously rapidly speeding up inner processes with new techniques that have come. 28. So what I think is, if you embark upon a meditation system, then you can meditate on anything really. You can meditate on simple Sanskrit works. But you have to go to a trusted instructor or a teacher who can help you if you are in need. 29. Sometimes a person simply has to stop meditation for the rest of that life because of psychism which was started in past lives and having done some, you know, gray magic, if not worse. When they start meditating, certain things happen which they have to close down to as quickly as possible, so they can do relaxation but they can’t do meditation. Or, I wouldn’t say that we do real meditation, but what we do is a way towards meditation and those people can only take relaxation. The 17 Steps to Perfection 30. The Basic Exercise led to the 17 Steps to Perfection where we are working with a number of planetary energies, which help the meditator to get control of energies that they are actually containing, and many are not controlling. 31. When you meditate as has been advised on the 17 Steps to Perfection, you actually get in touch with you, the maker of you, your astrological chart, which tells you, if you could read a chart or make one yourself or go to someone who can, what aspects are difficult for you to handle. So, if you meditate on those energies, you actually learn to control them. 32. I would like to explain why our meditations are not long. With the Basic Exercise, you can sit with your training for an hour, but what we don’t do in the Fellowship and through the Paramartha Yoga system, we don’t get people to meditate over a long period of time, because not many people can do it. If you do it, you will get into conditions of the mind which for some can be very difficult to live with. There you have to have an instructor; you have to have a teacher who can handle it. 33. Also [our meditations are not long] because it’s concentrated energy that you are invoking. You cannot sit with that energy for an hour or three quarters. But there is a specific time and I think that many teachers teach that, when they ask their pupils to meditate for twenty, twenty-five minutes. You can do it twice a day, but it’s very difficult for people to do certain meditations up to an hour or more. Then they are more totally silent and relaxing meditations. The Puja 34. After the 17 Steps to Perfection, the Puja came. The Puja is a meditation that, if you do it in the morning or some mornings a week, you are connecting with the Lord Maitreya. You are actually protecting yourself and your family and you are sending out loving energy throughout the planet. It's actually like a little, little service. You can do it for five minutes, you can do it for half an hour. Puja is a sadhana, a Spiritual exercise that you do in the morning before going to work. It should be done in the morning. If you have no time in the morning, then perhaps skip it. The Divine Heart Program 35. Then we continued into the Divine Heart Program, which I hope will be taped this year. I have been looking for someone who could do the music and I think it’s going to come together soon, the music for the Divine Heart Program. 36. The Divine Heart Program is stimulating the heart chakra, and has never really been given out until now because it is for devoted and dedicated people who wish to develop the heart chakra. It is not for the curious and for beginners who just want to try something. It takes devotion because something is going to happen. And if you are not devoted and not committed, it is too much for you. 37. After the Divine Heart Program, which is really calling upon the energy of the heart, then I did the last meditation format to create Soul and Spirit contact. But I have not ever done very much about giving it out - it consists of certain symbols, pictures that you meditate on - because it is too much for people. It’s for higher disciples, so I will let it lie for some time perhaps until it is ready to be used. About the Shan Meditation System 38. What I would like to say about the meditation system called Shan, which means Earth in interplanetary language, what I would like to say about the meditation system is that you can use it as total new beginner, as an advanced pupil, as a disciple and an initiate. All the systems that the Hierarchy create these days, they are leading you from “beginnership” to “advancemanship”. 39. You can use them until the end of your physical life because they contain everything. They are totally balanced. And they work in a way that creates harmony and balance. Not a superficial harmony and balance. See, on Earth many people want a superficial harmony and balance. They want a superficial ecstasy. And then when the real thing starts, they get frightened to death. 40. Many meditation systems don’t bring you further than the astral body, because that’s where most of humanity is focused upon, the astral body and the astral consciousness. And if the meditation system is wrong, it brings people who should have astral balance and harmony into higher levels of consciousness when they are not ready. That’s dangerous. 41. So I am very careful because I have seen too much on this planet, especially in the last incarnation. I was traveling around in India and I saw one, well, swindler after the other at work, people calling themselves holy men. And in this life, I have come across too many teachers who haven’t got a clue about what they are doing. And I would never do anything in this life if I could not feel the Hierarchy behind it, because there is too much humbug and swindle on this Earth and I don’t want the Fellowship involved in that. 42. What you learn here in the Fellowship is totally down to Earth, proven to be good techniques, that can be used and will create effects so that you can rapidly follow the Hierarchy and initiates into the Age of Maitreya. The meditation system as well as the healing system – and you can find that in other meditation and healing systems – are trying to lift you to a level where you can actually take the vibrations that this Earth is rapidly getting into. You cannot live here if your vibrations do not meet with the vibrations that are lifting the Earth now. If you cannot live in that field of vibration, you have to leave the Earth because you will never survive here anyway. One Energy Level to Another 43. When a person moves from one energy level to another and cannot take it, that’s death. That is why, because the energy levels have been low on Earth for millions of years, people have been able to manage the slow, slow development of evolution. But it's not slow anymore, and that is why we have diseases killing people, like cancer. Some cancer is due to purification, but some cancers and some misfortunate cell growth - too rapid cell growth - and heart diseases, blood diseases, are on the rise because the vibrations are on the rise. Balance and Harmony 44. People who are going to stay on this Earth must develop the heart chakra; and if you are going to develop the heart chakra very quickly, you will see that many, many people on Earth subjected to this energy that is descending, they cannot take the energy, so they get heart failure and heart stoppage. 45. And because you are cleansing so much, and the air is so polluted and chemical things are so strong everywhere in food, in water - everything is contaminated - you can see that rising in that kind of polluted energy, rising to higher spiritual energies, if it is not done in a certain balance and harmony, will create serious disease. 46. Spiritual people who really know this, they can actually work through healing and meditation, protecting themselves and surviving in this enormous rising energy. But ordinary people cannot take it, and that is why they die. The Healing System 47. So, let us then move into the healing system which the Master created to keep His people healthy as long as possible, and to help them survive this time on the threshold to a new age. 48. I created a system of healing which was actually - we can call it the last level. But that was so strong and so difficult in those days for our dear people to work in because actually it was only for higher disciples to do. And not everyone is that. They couldn’t manage. I think they could manage better now, which is why we’re going to try it again. 49. But when I discovered that (I will talk about it later) this healing system could not be done except by very few people, I started to create something which all the healers could work with without problems. And that was the Spiritual Healing of the Seven Rays. It is simply knowing about the rays and working under that ray, giving people the ray, or the combination of two or three rays, to help them. [Below you will find a list of healing techniques created by Ananda Tara Shan. These techniques constitute what Ananda called the Udana Healing System. In this talk from 1999, she does not mention the Heart Flow Healing Techniques, as they were created later, in 2001.] [ Forever Therapies of the 7 Rays Esoteric Healing Techniques of the 7 Rays Spiritual Healing Techniques of the 7 Rays Spirit of Resurrection Healing Holy Spirit Healing Heart Flow Healing Techniques: - Through the Heart of Maitreya - Through the Heart of Lady Yasodhara - Through the Heart of the Universe] 50. When I had created that, with help from upstairs I’m sure, then I came to the Esoteric Healing. Esoteric healing, I discovered, was strong enough for people, and most people could only take the Spiritual Healing of the Seven Rays. And then I discovered that the Spirit of Resurrection wanted to work on Earth and create that quality called ‘resurrection’, so I created a Spirit of Resurrection Healing which everyone loves because they can take it. 51. The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Resurrection work according to what every individual can manage. So the Spirit of Resurrection Healing, it can be given to an initiate and to a disciple and be very strong - and it can be given to probationaries, aspirants and ordinary humanity. And everybody loves it because it is simply… it knows, and it will give only what is required. Whereas the Forever Therapies, working with the different [rays], consist of seven different healings in the highest level: Forever Seeing on the first ray; Forever Knowing on the second ray; Forever Healing on the third ray; Forever Being on the fourth ray; Forever Living on the fifth ray; Forever Holy on the sixth ray; Forever Breathing on the seventh. 52. But as I said, they were so strong that in the end I took them away from our dear people, and I will now start them again, because now people actually could handle these energies much better. 53. The Esoteric Healing System which I have mentioned earlier was inspired by the Lord D.K.’s technique in Esoteric Healing, but it is an easier version. However, it proved to be so strong that we decided that if an ordinary person came for healing, then we would give them the Spirit of Resurrection Healing or Spiritual Healings on the Seven Rays. 54. If they were more advanced, we would give them Esoteric Healing because you see, when you do healing and the energies are too high, a normal person will not benefit. The energy will go through that person like a sieve. It is no use healing a person who cannot respond to that energy level. 55. So, to the Spirit of Resurrection Healing, everybody responds. To the [Spiritual] Healing of the Seven Rays, everyone responds. But when we reach Esoteric Healing, it’s only for spiritual people who really work spiritually. And the other level, [the Forever Therapies], is for people who are totally committed, totally devoted to spiritual development, and want to get into the Soul rapidly. 56. So we have seen that what the Master promised, that there would be a healing system which would be a good healing system that could heal everyone whatever level they were on, and that it would come at the time when this [healing system] came out. In the Presence of God 57. I would like to explain about healing because I was tuning in yesterday and I thought: ‘I’ve got to give them an understanding about healing; how wonderful healing is; why healing is top-notch when we talk about spiritual development.’ And when I woke up in the night, I had it. I’m going to explain to you what’s so wonderful about doing healing and receiving healing. 58. When you do healing, and when you receive healing, you are in the presence of God. God, and through His Son, Christ, give healing to all who need. When you are receiving healing, and it’s a fine energy of healing, you could just as well stand in the presence of God - and the healer is a small god, because God works in that healer. And, as we all contain a little bit of God within us in our Spirit, spark of the Spirit, then we feel that we are gods when we heal because we become like God who is the healer and the creator - and we create. 59. We create health in sickness. Some healers can create miracles where diseases leave. But why most people who receive healings are not miraculously healed is because of karma. Only certain afflictions can be touched upon, and most often you know not which afflictions. 60. Some healers work specifically with bone. Some work with organs, some with the tissue, blood. You see, even healers specialise. And very excellent healers work as naturopaths and doctors of alternative medicine, and homeopaths and chiropractors and osteopaths, because that’s their way of healing. 61. But some of them who are really healers, heal and create wonderful effects in the people they touch. You don’t have to be just a laying-on-hand healer. You can simply heal through a system. But if you have the energy within you, you are managing to give effects better than other healers who have too little contact to the Holy Spirit or to God, to Christ. 62. I have always said that healing is the most wondrous of all professions because you become a servant directly of God and become, working with the healing, a God-self. It is there you are lifted. All true healers are lifted to higher levels, and they stand in the energy of God until they finish the healing. Some even walk in that energy and live in that energy for the rest of their days. 63. It takes many lifetimes to become a healer, a true healer. To begin with, you work with Holy Spirit only. And then you get into the rays and then you get into Soul energies and into Spirit energies. And then you are a true healer. That is why it’s said that you are first a true healer at the third initiation because at the third initiation, you - the disciple - become a member of the Hierarchy and will heal from Spirit because at the third initiation, the initiate, the member of the Hierarchy on that initiation, can work through Spirit. Not the Holy Spirit only, but through his own Spirit body. 64. And that is why those healers can accomplish more than other healers, and very often they’re not used to heal people. That’s a very rare occasion for a disciple, but they’re used to heal Earth and conditions on Earth. Their energy is of another nature. It can move governments. It can create societies. It can heal cracks in the Earth. It can heal where there is darkness. Darkness can be neutralised. Such healings are done at the third initiation. 65. The Lord Jesus, used by the Lord Maitreya, was of course a healer on all planes. He used all kinds of herbal remedies. He was a master naturopath, a master everything from physical techniques to spiritual healing of the highest levels. And because the Lord Christ, of course the great healer of humanity, could immediately heal through the Soul, see the karma of a person, and could completely release the light of Soul to the extent of clearing disease out, He is of course the master healer. And Lord Jesus has become known as that. And some disciples become master healers in certain incarnations. Unite Love and Will 66. Paramartha Yoga works on connecting with Soul and Spirit. And with working with Maitreya and understanding practical Theosophy, living it and being freed from human bondage. 67. Now there are many techniques on Earth, and they are being used in different spiritual organisations. Some work more with invocation and evocation. Some work more with silence. Certain techniques used in that way and this way - old yoga forms - and they’re all good. But certain people in this day and age need techniques that now develop rapidly, as I said, the heart chakra - aligning the heart chakra with the crown chakra and the upper chakras in the head, Spirit. 68. See, the whole work that goes on in people today is to unite love and will. We hear about nothing else from the Hierarchy - the Avatar and Maitreya together. The Avatar is actually training the Lord Maitreya to become the Lord of Will, as He is the Lord of Love. So that even the great Christ is being trained now to be for the Earth, the Lord of Will and Love. And everyone who works with Him on one level or the other, learns to unite heart and the upper chakras. 69. It looks like that. The heart sends out a line. From the third eye and the crown, sends out another line. Where those meet out there, that is the united energy of love and will. And when people are feeling that energy of love and will, something definitely happens. And the Earth is now being redeemed slowly because of that energy called love and will. 70. Always it was either/or. It was very difficult to unite them. Lord Morya is a totally, totally united energy for love and will as well. He is most loving, most caring and He is total will. But even I - I am under training now and have been for some time - even I cannot do it always. It’s very difficult. 71. It’s either love, I’ve noticed, or will. To connect the two and work with the two, I’ve found out is nearly impossible because they repel each other. They are not total partners. They actually don’t like to work together because either it is will [or love], and the people who are ‘will’ disciples and the Shamballa disciples/initiates, they totally respond to will, which is called the ‘path of no resistance’. 72. The ‘path of no resistance’ is the path you tread on when you’re simply… you’re a person of will, you just work that way. But I am trained now to be a person of love as well, connecting to heart chakra, working with the Avatar [of Will] and Christ together. And I haven’t learned it yet. Sometimes it happens, but it’s difficult. 73. It happens more and more, but it’s also taken since 1982. That doesn’t mean for you it will take that number of years - that’s because I am trained in other lives to either work this way or that way. But to unite them, I find is nearly impossible. The Best Time for Redemption, Forgiveness, Clearance 74. So, we are teaching through the meditation system, as other meditations do, to connect with higher levels and of course higher beings. And then, with the healing system, to be relieved of some of the energies which cause disease. 75. The Master said in the early days when the healing system came, that He would help, as much as possible, the members that worked for Him, go in under that healing system to avoid, if possible, dreadful diseases. But as we know, the disease is a cleansing act and where they speak about death being the ultimate healer, one cannot always preserve the body because some healings happen in death, in a transition. 76. I cannot talk about disease and healings of such. There’s just too much to talk about [here]. 77. I just wanted to tell you about Paramartha Yoga. Then, when you start on the meditation system and you are given the healings, then you are starting to become aware of certain things that have been closed to you. The inner worlds open up and it is for you to cooperate or not cooperate. Some people can receive healings endlessly for a whole lifetime and nothing much happens, but that is because so much has to be cleared, it takes one or two lives to do it. 78. See, people do not accept the fact that they have lived hundreds of lives, if not thousands - and they expect to be cleared in a lifetime, or an hour, or two months. It cannot be done. It is impossible. But what the Master does, He clears people in one to three incarnations. That is miraculous. Master has taken a step. He is now close to humanity, much closer, nearly as close as when He incarnated through Jesus, and we are discovering so many things are happening because of that. 79. So if people want redemption, forgiveness, clearance, it’s actually the best time we have entered for that. But as I say, you must never, ever think that I am an advocate for only this meditation system or healing system. No. No, people can use many systems which will help them on the level they’re on. And if they feel more attracted to that system, they will of course use that system. Many Systems 80. The Master knows this. Children of the Heart globally - and there are millions of them, even though they’re not aware as yet - they are into many, many systems and they work under certain levels and due to karma. So if we only had one healing system, one meditation system on Earth, we couldn’t help humanity. If we had only one teacher, what a boring Earth. 81. It cannot be done that way. We have to help in a certain group of humanity, whether it’s one million people, ten thousand or five hundred. There are teachers on different that work in different groups, and that’s karmic. Inner Wish to Work Through the Heart 82. What I always wonder at is the diversity of people who come to the Fellowship. Disciples and probationaries and aspirants on all levels. Why do they come to this Fellowship? And that is because they have an inner wish - it can be the only reason - to work through the heart to such an extent that they are meeting with the Lord Maitreya’s expectations on one level. 83. You must wish, there’s something you wish so deeply and have wished for some time, that you will respond to Christ in a certain way that attracts you to the Fellowship. But many leave because they discover that their wish is not strong enough. They cannot take what happens with it. It’s too strong. They find it too strong with the Hierarchy. They find the inner expectations are too strong to meet. They’re too difficult to meet. 84. And then, we are not a big group but we are getting a group of people who are so devoted and committed to developing this contact with the Lord Maitreya, that they are the first Children of the Heart who respond, very much on the physical level in a certain way, and will in other lives from now on be the teachers for the Lord Maitreya, if they reach that stage. Ascension 85. When Summit Lighthouse, and other wonderful organisations that work under the Hierarchy, mention ‘ascension’, it is not quite the ascension they think that is ascension. What the Lord Maitreya means by ‘ascension’ is a clearing out of certain negativity - not perfection, but an aura which shows a certain clear energy and a purpose. And when one has been going through this process, one is ready to be an ascended teacher. 86. I don’t like it when you call the Masters ‘ascended Masters’, because even if ascension in the New Testament means a very high-level initiation, ascension today can be given to people, who through one or three lives, work the negativity and the darkness out of themselves to a certain percentage. And then the chakras start to rotate, develop, open and are all aligned. And when you then work through all the chakras at the same time, you are an ascended person. 87. And that is, I have noticed, what the Lord Maitreya does. Through the meditation systems, through the healing system, through the services - people taking part in services, healing services of a certain nature, they will be stimulated constantly in all the chakras. And then I’ve seen in a very, very short time, people who accept the path, who accept the Lord Maitreya as their teacher and Master, will actually be vibrating at another speed, and the auras are starting to look completely different. The Lord Maitreya is our Redeemer 88. And I have never seen anything done that quickly in any other incarnation. That is why I would like to finish this short lecture by saying, the Lord Maitreya is our redeemer. It has nothing to do with religion. He is the Earth saviour, the Spirit of the Earth and through Him, all teachers, spiritual teachers, are nourished. Whether they accept it or not, whether they recognise it or not, that is what’s happening. 89. And participating with Him consciously is speeding up the inner bodies and the chakras. I’ve never seen anything happen so quickly. I have incarnated for many, many lives, and I’ve been through all meditation systems, all healing systems you can ever imagine by now - all religions, all. I’ve never seen anything work that fast. 90. So I just want to say, there is hope. There is the knowledge that people can become like saints without being saints, by becoming a new kind of mystic, a practical mystic, who works in a practical down-to-Earth manner. Cooperating totally with the Heart on Earth, which is the Lord Maitreya, they can become initiates, higher disciples with a speed I’ve never observed on this planet. 91. As I say, you need to be totally, whole-heartedly committed to the Heart of the Earth, the Lord Maitreya, and then I have seen people lift by the month. 92. And it is no use just working with the seventh ray, as some organisations do. You’ve got to work with all the rays, with all the energies, to get that completion that it creates. 93. Welcome the doors that open to all the worlds. Never limit yourself, but be prepared to enter any world that calls for you, whether it’s the astral, the mental, the Soul, Spirit. Be forever prepared to enter these worlds through the opening of the chakras, which are the open doors to these worlds. You should walk and know that you cannot be harmed, because you are protected by Maitreya. 94. The last thing I wish to say is that why I was happy about the name Paramartha Yoga is, it is actually the motto of the Theosophical Society: truth is higher than religion. And this is what Paramartha Yoga is. It is the yoga of ultimate truth. It’s for the truth seekers, and for the ones who can take the truth. Yoga of Ultimate Truth 95. I don’t know how many people I have met who say that they want to work for truth; they seek the truth; they want to work with Christ; they love the Buddha. And when finally the Christ stands before them in a way, or the Buddha, or truth is revealed, they … [side a of tape ends here] 96. [side b of tape starts here] … of these Masters because they cannot avoid Them on this Earth and because, in some way or the other, many people work of course underneath the Masters or Their assistants or Their disciples. * Lord DK: The Lord Dwjal Khul is a profoundly learned Master who works on the second ray of love-wisdom. **Ananda did not get the chance to write about the above-mentioned subjects but, as she has mentioned earlier, she has covered many of the subjects in talks she has given over the years, which are gradually being transcribed and published. ***'The Basic Exercise' is the original name of the practice now called the ‘Flame Meditation’. Excerpts for Contemplation
The following pieces of text are excerpts taken from the talk by Ananda Tara Shan about Paramartha Yoga.
The number after each excerpt indicates the paragraph in the transcription of the talk from which the excerpt is taken. A piece of music is available, should you wish to have that to accompany your contemplation. To listen, click on the arrow in the sound bar. The yoga of ultimate truth contains the knowledge about how to reach the Heart of Maitreya and how to get into touch with the inner self … (2)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you work with the Lord Maitreya, you will notice that He touches everybody, and His teachings touch everybody, every Soul and Spirit on this Earth. And through getting into that Heart, truth, the ultimate truth of what we are as human beings and Souls, what the solar system is like, what the Universe is like, namely, what you can learn from Theosophy, this is part of the Paramartha Yoga. (9) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now the beautiful thing is that all meditation forms create a connection between you and God, between you and Christ or Buddha, an elevated being, an office within the Hierarchy. And it creates - of course, the most important thing, it connects Soul contact. (12) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And why this meditation system has come at this crucial time in Earth’s history is because we live in a time when people can actually succeed connecting with Soul, connecting with the Hierarchy, connecting with the inner planes… (15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We discovered after some years that working with flames was too strong for many people. So I said to people…they could use as the lower vibration, colours. And then it suited everyone. (19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use music. What music does is that it attracts the angels and beings on the inner levels. (22) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why I like Theosophy so much is that in Theosophy, everything is explained. I have read many books; I have looked through books on different teachings, and they are not coming from the higher Source as Theosophy is, directly from the Masters, and therefore, there are too many mistakes in them. (26) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Basic Exercise led to the 17 Steps to Perfection where we are working with a number of planetary energies, which help the meditator to get control of energies that they are actually containing, and many are not controlling. (30) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … through the Paramartha Yoga system, we don’t get people to meditate over a long period of time, because not many people can do it. If you do it, you will get into conditions of the mind which for some can be very difficult to live with. There you have to have an instructor; you have to have a teacher who can handle it . (32) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Puja is a meditation that, if you do it in the morning or some mornings a week, you are connecting with the Lord Maitreya. You are actually protecting yourself and your family and you are sending out loving energy throughout the planet. (34) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Divine Heart Program is stimulating the heart chakra…it is for devoted and dedicated people who wish to develop the heart chakra. …the Divine Heart Program…is really calling upon the angel of the heart… (36, 37) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … what I would like to say about the meditation system is that you can use it as total new beginner, as an advanced pupil, as a disciple and an initiate. All the systems that the Hierarchy create these days, they are leading you from 'beginnership' to 'advancemanship'. (38) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you learn here in the Fellowship is totally down to Earth, proven to be good techniques, that can be used and will create effects so that you can rapidly follow the Hierarchy and initiates into the Age of Maitreya. (42) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ …rising to higher spiritual energies, if it is not done in a certain balance and harmony, will create serious disease. (45) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And then I discovered that the Spirit of Resurrection wanted to work on Earth and create that quality called ‘resurrection’, so I created a Spirit of Resurrection Healing which everyone loves because they can take it. (50) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you do healing, and when you receive healing, you are in the presence of God. (58) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And very excellent healers work as naturopaths and doctors of alternative medicine, and homeopaths and chiropractors and osteopaths, because that’s their way of healing. (60) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All true healers are lifted to higher levels, and they stand in the energy of God until they finish the healing. Some even walk in that energy and live in that energy for the rest of their days. (62) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paramartha Yoga works on connecting with Soul and Spirit. And with working with Maitreya and understanding practical Theosophy, living it and being freed from human bondage. (66) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See, the whole work that goes on in people today is to unite love and will. It looks like that. The heart sends out a line. From the third eye and the crown, sends out another line. Where those meet out there, that is the united energy of love and will. And the Earth is now being redeemed slowly because of that energy called love and will. (68, 69) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So if people want redemption, forgiveness, clearance, it’s actually the best time we have entered for that. (79) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Children of the Heart globally - and there are millions of them, even though they’re not aware as yet - they are into many, many systems and they work under certain levels and due to karma. So if we only had one healing system, meditation system on Earth, we couldn’t help humanity. If we had only one teacher, what a boring Earth. (80) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do they come to this Fellowship? …they have an inner wish - it can be the only reason - to work through the heart to such an extent that they are meeting with the Lord Maitreya’s expectations on one level. (82) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What the Lord Maitreya means by ‘ascension’ is a clearing out of certain negativity - not perfection, but an aura which shows a certain clear energy and a purpose. (85) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …the Lord Maitreya is our redeemer. It has nothing to do with religion. He is the Earth saviour, the Spirit of the Earth and through Him, all teachers, spiritual teachers, are nourished. (88) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …there is hope. There is the knowledge that people can become like saints without being saints, by becoming a new kind of mystic, a practical mystic, who works in a practical down-to-Earth manner. (90) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I say, you need to be totally, whole-heartedly committed to the Heart of the Earth, the Lord Maitreya, and then I have seen people lift by the month. (91) |